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Your health and wellbeing

depend upon it.

Whether you are viewing this website from a portable device or a desktop computer, you are likely in a posture that requires your body to adapt to or support the technology you are using. As we all know, this puts strain on our bodies and, over time, will produce discomfort and pain in our backs, necks, and arms while reducing our circulation. These ergonomic impacts become greater with portable devices when our bodies are strained from both adapting to and physically supporting them.

Although portable devices provide us the freedom to choose where and when we want to use them, they lack ergonomic products that are designed to move with the body and provide the portability, adaptability, and support that we need to avoid injury and to stay healthy.

There is growing ergonomic concern over the use of portable devices as our lives have become increasing reliant on them for most of our communication, entertainment, and productivity. Unfortunately, without any better options, we must continue to adapt to our technology within unhealthy postures that provide little or no support for our bodies or our devices.

The evolution of portable technology requires an evolution in ergonomic design that supports technology-dependent consumers in the many ways that we actually use our devices. If these products are successful in supporting a wide range of standing, sitting, reclining, recumbent, or relaxed postures, they will also promote healthy movement between these postures.

We develop movement-oriented ergonomic products that do all this and more. No other products support such a wide range of task-effective postures that enhance both comfort and movement.

Introducing the Task Tray® & Wallstation® - the world’s first fully integrated, multi-functional, micro-footprint, portable, rotationally-adjustable, wall-mountable, height-adjustable, dual display (optional), and powered ergonomic desk / workstation / display surface / riser..

With a patented quick-release and self-locking mechanism, the surface of the Task Tray can be rotationally adjusted up to 150˚ on demand and remain aligned with the body throughout any standing, sitting, reclining, recumbent, or relaxed postures,

This exclusive feature of the Task Tray & Wallstation allows the user to easily transition between any user defined posture including the recumbent and stress reducing neutral body posture that our Chotto® (chair+ottoman) provides.

The Task Tray can also be used on any desktop as an elevated display surface for portable devices or reference materials to reduce neck and eye strain when seated.

Most importantly, the Task Tray allows technology to adapt to you (for a change) and allows you to choose where, when, and how you want to work.


move it or lose it.




Reduces Physical Strain: Sedentary postures or prolonged static positions can lead to musculoskeletal discomfort and strain. By integrating movement, good ergonomic design encourages users to shift positions, change postures, and engage different muscle groups, reducing the risk of repetitive stress injuries and promoting better overall physical health.

Enhances Circulation: Movement helps improve blood flow and circulation throughout the body. When users are encouraged to move, it prevents blood from pooling in certain areas and reduces the risk of conditions like deep vein thrombosis and edema. 

Improves Flexibility and Range of Motion: Frequent movement supports joint flexibility and increases your range of motion. This is particularly beneficial for individuals who spend extended hours at their workstation, as it prevents stiffness and discomfort from developing..

Boosts Energy and Alertness: Being stationary for prolonged periods can lead to decreased energy levels and reduced mental alertness. Movement, on the other hand, stimulates both the body and mind, helping users stay more focused and productive throughout the day.

Supports Cognitive Function: Studies have shown that movement positively impacts cognitive function and mental acuity. Incorporating motion into ergonomic designs can enhance brain activity, memory retention, and problem-solving abilities.

Promotes Collaboration and Communication: Movement-friendly ergonomic environments can foster collaboration and communication among colleagues. Standing or walking meetings, for example, can lead to more dynamic discussions and increased engagement.

Reduces the Risk of Chronic Health Issues: By encouraging movement, ergonomic design can help combat the negative health effects associated with a sedentary lifestyle, such as obesity, heart disease, and diabetes.

Supports Postural Changes: Ergonomic designs that allow for movement often include adjustable features such as portable and height-adjustable desks, swivel chairs, and tilting monitors. These adaptations cater to various body types and promote proper posture, reducing the strain on the neck, back, and shoulders.

Increases Productivity and Creativity: Movement can stimulate creativity and inspire innovative thinking. Employees in dynamic environments tend to feel more energized and are more likely to come up with fresh ideas and solutions.

Enhances Overall Well-being: The combination of physical comfort, reduced strain, and increased engagement that comes with movement-oriented ergonomic design contributes to a better sense of well-being for users. Happier and healthier employees are likely to be more satisfied with their work environment and experience less absenteeism.


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